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Do not feel in a good mood.

Not very good news.

I have been working out my projected income against outgoings.

Due to forgetting two factors, fuel and road tax for the car.

Also tyres, oil, fuel and air filters and other normal items that need to be replaced, due to wear and tear.

I will not have enough money to go to Japan for another 5 years.

(?_?) Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhh

Hope I can get another job, as my current one is only 20 hours per week with about 5 hours per week overtime.

A full time job of 40 hours and also in my hometown would be better.

The car costs � 600.00 per year without moving an inch, so if I get a job in my hometown, I can do away with the car and save enough each year for flights and accommodation.

With the current rise in fuel prices, for once not related to Labour putting up the tax, due to the increased terrorism threats since the invasion of Iraq by USA and UK forces.

Sadam has been removed, but is the world safer ?

Bush said the Iraq war was over, IS IT ?

The Iraq's who supported Sadam are still fighting. They do not think the war is over.

Until they are eliminated, along with hundred of thousands of innocent Iraq's caught in the cross fire, the war in Iraq will never end.

Osaka . . . . . . . . . Belfast

The WeatherPixie . . . . . The WeatherPixie

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Still breathing - 27.07.11 - 14:16 -

Long awaited entry - 23.05.11 - 23:57 -

Kinder Hunting - 25.03.09 - 21:47 -

unemployment :( - 12.02.09 - 01:11 -

Orange blocks 0560 numbers - 30.09.08 - 23:33 -